Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Shedding Skin

Shedding Skin                      3/1/2016                  

The coils have tightened
And the sinews tensed
Boiling in our blood
Faster and faster.  

There is no way out
Except through
As the worst of men
Attack at will. 

None of it random
And none of it a mistake
Just another murder
Hidden and ignored. 

The truth endures
Acknowledged or not
Buried shallow
Or dumped in the trash.

Crawling in
And spreading out
Clawing. groping
Killing and multiplying.  

Even the most gentle of men
Must eventually awaken
Even if it is too late
And we are done.  

Stirring in our cave
We rub the sand from our eyes
Focusing on the light
Stark in the sun. 

Winter has passed
Like so many others
But now it is all around us
And our backs to the wall. 

The streets abandoned
And gone to the beasts
Roaming in herds
Right outside the door.   

Exposed at last
The good and the evil
Lied to and betrayed
By those we loved
And trusted. 

So now we see
The twilight of the gods
Spiraling ever downward
Desperately to kill
All they can.

For them
Nothing works like war
A great way to distract
And kill two sides.  

Stirring up the same old wounds
To pit brother against brother
Mortally wounding both
For someone else to win. 

The cult loves chaos
Because it works every time
Ushering in a new order
To exterminate the old. 

But woe to him
That dares stand in the way
Of the man behind the curtain
Pushing and pulling
Every switch and lever.  

The more they lie
The more you should know 
Because the truth is hate 
If you hate the truth.

Flinch not
When the snake shall bite
Because he can never win
But three days more. 



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