Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Three and a half

Three and a half                  3/29/2016

Tis a strange gray feeling
The emptiness of mid morning
Forcing ourselves to care
About nothing at all. 

Engines drone on endlessly
And the coffee pot spits
Bitter in my cup
Another day at the office
On our way to nowhere.

Nothing changes except the faces
As we cyclically arrive
At the same conclusions
The only thing allowed
In a bureaucratic nightmare.

There is no opportunity
Because everything is predetermined
The outcome driving the means
As we push and pull
To make it fit. 

The lie must go on
Too big to fail
And too huge to ignore
A gigantic white elephant
Crushing us all. 

Torturing our selves
And each other
Layering on
The weight
Without taking
Any off.

Each for himself
We create imaginary kingdoms
Achieving nothing
But burdensome

We teeter on the end
Without looking out the window
All consumed by the nothingness
We ourselves created. 

Drooling over the next promotion
We plan our next meeting
Herding ourselves and each other
Through an obstacle course
Just to prove
That we exist.

The truth is not vulgar
And protecting you family
Is not a crime
No matter how often
They twist it
Into a mortal sin.

All the masks have fallen
And now we see
The ugly truth
Doubled down and contorted
Bigger than ever. 

But now the rocks are overturned
And the sunlight illuminates
Every darkened corner
Duplicity exposed
Unmasked and desperate.

Set up
And savaged
The good bloodied
And mocked. 

Three and a half days
Three and a half days
That is all that they can have
As we see them all dance
And flash their teeth.

Doomed from day one
They act out their rage
Exposed with the money 
Treacherous and dead.

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