Monday, March 28, 2016

Fast Forward

 Fast Forward                   3/28/2016

Time flies
And collapses downward
Forced inward
In a vortex
And pushed out a pinhole.

We live
And we die
But we are much more
Than what we see
And touch.

Tell the truth
And the world will hate you
But stand behind it
And they will plot
To kill you.

Burning with hatred
For all they will never be
Bought and sold
Ten times over.

What a beautiful thing it is
To live in the open
Unafraid and honest
Warts and all.

But the cowards will hide
And cover up their hatred
Sealing every record
And hiding their views.

Pure poison
Dripped into a glass
Putting us to sleep

Sometimes we try
And sometimes we lose
But even the worst of failures
Is better than inaction
And tacit approval.

We circle the drain
And spin inside ourselves
Ever downward
Faster and faster.

The kingdom
Has never been closer
Than at this dark hour
Because the greatest of victories
Always follow treacherous evil.

Death is dead
And the past
Has fallen away
The shame shattered
And all washed away.

It is finished
And it is over
The victory already won
For once and for all.

Let them rage
Before the glory
As they make their final plans
Futile, wasted
Dumb and dead. 

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