Thursday, March 31, 2016


Rear view                            3/31/2016

If I had only seen it coming
I could have stopped it cold
And everything would be different
Aged, weathered, and old.

We want what we cannot have
And we long for what we lost
Drawn by an insatiable appetite
Back to the flame
Again and again. 

Unwitting victims of a mysterious alchemy
We are slaves to our emotions
Seldom content
And never satisfied.

Blindly lurching forward
But always glancing backwards
Dumbfounded by what we missed
The first time around.  

Some will get a second chance
But some never will
A mystery and a riddle
That no one can solve.

God gave me life
And God gave me love
But who he loves
He must teach
One way
Or another.

He woke me up
And he plucked me out
Safe inside the womb
Warm and wet.

Immersing me in an icy river
He braced me against the world
Learning the hard way
over and over again. 

Tested, and tested again
Each time that I failed
God has not given up
And I had better not either. 

In my prayers I run
And I climb up into his arms
Help me, hold me
And keep me warm
Like a baby calls his father
To love and to protect.

I could never deserve it
All of this that I know
A small but priceless treasure
I dug up in the yard.

I call out in my mind
And pray that my friends are healed
The lost remembered
And the foolish saved.

Save them
As you saved me
Turning on the light
We never knew we had. 

Almost imperceptible
And nearly forgotten
The truth inside our heart
Dormant and cold.   

Send the spark to them also
The one that you gave to me
So that they also shall know
And seek to understand. 

Bringing us all home together
Where we will yet
Laugh and share
The distant past
Becoming nothing
In a future
That is everything. 


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