Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Shades

 Shades                          3/8/2016

There is the me
That you see
And then
There is the part
Existing somewhere else.

The shade of existence
Somewhere in space
Projecting me downward
Into what you see
And know. 

A prisoner inside flesh
And an avatar for the soul
A seat in which to walk
Live through and act.

Living through choices
In a closed matrix
Unable to escape
Until the riddle is solved.

Seen from above
Outside of known measurement
In a dimension
I can feel
But cannot see. 

Some do not question
And some can only feel
Victims of their emotions
Happy, sad,
Angry or content. 

The gift so life
Is often forgotten
As we take for granted
Everything we see. 

A carefully constructed paradise
Lost to vanity and pride
Renewed by sacrifice
Perfect and free. 

We have forgotten
The promise
And for a false safety
We have forgotten the truth.

Giving up the responsibility
To guard our hearts
As we second guess ourselves
Into oblivion. 

But we were already told
What it was
We would do
As we fall into our own destruction
Foolish, forgetful,
Fearful, and sad.

Forgetting every warning
We wander in a trance
Fixated on all the wrong things
Deluded and dumb.

The window closes
And the time grows near
For all pretensions to fall
And all lies revealed.

The ground rumbles
And sky cracks
Each a sign for the shades
Flickering in our eye.

The weak point is nigh
And soon they will strike
To get all they can
While they can. 

If you are ready
Stay ready
And if you have faith

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