Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dark Deep

Dark Deep                                        3/31/2016

It is a bitter root to chew
To see how far you have fallen
Diminished, reduced,
Humiliated and ashamed.

I think and I imagine
How it could have been different
If I had really had a chance
And if I had never lost.

Would I know more?
Or would I know less?
Protected, safe
Indulged and asleep.

I did not know to fear
So I did not see it coming
The horrible creeping death
Squirming in the shadows.

Befriending me
And sizing me up
Analyzing for weakness
And tracking my every move. 

Lying, trying, and cajoling
While I walked in my sleep
Moving his eyes side to side
Just to see
What I would do. 

Slipping out the knife
And going in for the kill
At just the right moment
When she got tired
And resentful.

Once I felt the sting
It was already too late
Fatally wounded
And gasping for air. 

But it was not enough
To take what I had
Because evil is never content
With what it steals.

Willing to do anything
To crush and to win
Always seeking to prove
Their lie was true.

Disgusting, low
Repulsive and vile
The liars win
Any way they can.    

Selling out their friends
And betraying the innocent
Long gone by the time
The victims
Learn and know. 

Fake images
And empty words
Meaningless without action
And empty without truth. 

The empty men
Are all around
One dimensional profiles
Packaged and sold. 

But deep down
They are far more than that
Thinly disguised wolves
Drooling at our neck. 

For money and power
They seek control
And by dumbing us down
They will never be exposed. 

We are the disenfranchised
Sold out for money
Betrayed, diluted
And circling the drain. 

They have killed many  
And ground them in the dirt
So full of themselves
They think
They are gods.

Saving their worst
For any who would dare
Shine a light on their duplicity
For everyone to see. 

Now it is here
The few against the many
Awaken lest you sleep
Buried forever
In the great dark deep. 

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