Monday, February 29, 2016

The Trough

just a quick one today, more tomorrow

The Trough                        2/29/2016

A fattened cat
Never goes easy
Biting and scratching
Hissing and spitting.

Evil men
Have killed many
And no deceit is to low
If it gets them
What they want. 

Covered by propaganda
They will never be questioned
Lying every day
And lying every night.

Day after day
Hoax after hoax
Burning with hatred
Intense as the sun.

Threatening and calculating
They manipulate the truth
Murderers from the start
Hiding in the smoke.

The worst is yet to come
And very few
Can ever be trusted
Bought and sold
With their head in the trough.

Snout down
They push and shove
Happily selling us out
For a little more gravy.

Look now the
They hold the head
The innocent murdered
Undefended and unknown.

Doom awaits
But not before end
As we all watch in horror
Atrocity after atrocity
Spread chaos and fear.

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