Friday, March 25, 2016

Easter 16

Easter 16             3/25/2016

What a few wouldn’t do
Many will have no problem
Taking every bribe  
And calling it a loan. 

Deciding for you
And deciding for me
What we can do
And what we earn.

Writing restrictions
And enforcing regulations
Depending on who you are
And what you think.

In the end
Almost everyone plays ball
Changing their mind
And betraying us all.

It’s not about what you say
Because it’s all about what you do
Exposing anyone  
Who would dare oppose.

Prodding us through the gates
They kill the wayward calf
Conditioning us with fear
To do what we are told.

The murderers are freed
And roam unopposed
Laughing in the street
With blood on their hands.

While the good
They vigorously pursue
Prosecuted for truth
And condemned for faith.

No one dares speak
As another horror unfolds
The innocent slaughtered
And the honest blamed.

Today they die
Unheard and unremembered
Tortured for nothing
But for who they follow.

Giving their all
While we sleep in our beds
Denied again and again  
Out of shame
And fear.

Unwilling to speak
Lest they be accused
Hiding in the shadows
Bullied, bought
Betrayed and dead.

If you want to know
Then you must think
Searching for the treasure
Buried by man.

The world will always hate
He who dares expose
Who they are
And what they want.

Supporting only those
Who money can buy
Outwardly pious
And inwardly corrupt. 

Beware the liars
And temporary friends
Those in lofty positions
Praying for us to hear.

Now they laugh
And now they triumph
Washing their hands
And ditching the knives.

Smug, powerful
Hateful and proud
Exposing us all
To the beasts of the field. 

Watch them now
Prance about the stage
Blaming the corpses
Lying in the street.

Let the fire rain down
And consume every lie
Sooner than they think
Zero point merge. 

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