Thursday, March 24, 2016


Crucible                                 3/24/2016

Words are not enough
I am sorry to say
And reasoning is wasted
On a beast
Like a tear in the rain.

Man was
And man is
An invasive species
Always struggling
To expand and survive.

We migrate
And we invade
Competing for everything
Until we are matched by weapons
Or stopped by defenses. 

Killers are not moved
By sentiments
And killers do not pause
For poetry. 

Unceasingly consuming
Everything they can
Colonizing everywhere
To breed and control. 

The future will not be kind
To the foolish
Or the double minded
Because they will always perish
And fade away. 

If you crawled across
A razor
And survived
Then you might have learned
What it means to lose
And live.

I have drug my tongue
Through it
And suffered the stinging pain
Living long enough to know
What it means
And how it feels. 

I am a wounded bird
Held aloft by another
Barely making it home
But still somehow surviving. 

I forgave
And I moved on
But in the end
We must fight
And endure.  

Fools perish
Like sheep to the slaughter
Their foolishness used against them
Every step of the way. 

Many now are silent
But their silence betrays
Their feelings
Waiting for the scales to tip
To do what they want. 

Smiling inwards
And laughing among themselves
For the day we are out numbered
And shot in a ditch. 

We wandered far
And yes we always forgot
Loyal when we suffered
And wayward
When blessed.  

The pageant is almost over
And still we will not learn
Hating those who tell the truth
And protecting
Those who kill. 


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