Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Generation Zero

Generation Zero         3/23/2016

I thought I was something
But now, I am nothing at all
Nothing but, a puff of smoke
On a summer afternoon.. 

I thought I might win
But we were all destined to lose
Scripted out from the beginning
With our heads in a noose.

Born out of place
In a desolate land
Hard won
And given away. 

The last of the first  
And the first of the last
Pushed forward
And expended  
Dumb and unaware.

Bled out
On a thousand battlefields
Pitting one against the other
In war without end. 

Always going
And always leaving
Another day
And another fight.

All for a third party
Hidden in the shadows
King makers, for fun and profit
Hand over fist. 

Beginning with an end
Nothing was left to chance
Every day scripted
And every moment planned.

Ending every debate
With censorship and lies
Generations sacrificed
For nothing at all.  

All of it on purpose
The devil in our midst
Let in the backdoor 
To kill us in the night. 

Exposed in every direction
We are supposed to die in place
But some people never learn
And still get up and try.

What was good for others
Means nothing now
As we look over our shoulders
And see no way out. 

Weighed, measured, and labeled
We are herded through the gates
Shot full of poison
And blamed for everything.    

Our fathers never knew
Because a few controlled the news
Hoax after hoax
To shape their values and views.

But now that we know
We must begin to ask the questions
About perhaps, what really happened
On that Friday afternoon.  

Altogether different
And altogether the same
Each side protecting the other
From investigation
And truth. 

We are the fools
And we are the lost
Each believing a truth
That was never true at all.

Always a step ahead
We have seen what they do
Ridiculing anyone
Who would dare search
And guess, at the truth.

No one can fight an enemy
If it controls what you do
Each opinion a tentacle
From the same
Unholy beast.   

So here we are 
Generation zero 
counting down 
And hanging on 
Taught how to die
But never how to live.  

And so we shall 
Live and love 
The best that we know how  
Until the hour arrives 
And the zero meets the hand.

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