Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Oculus

The Oculus                                    3/2/2016

Have you heard
The music of the spheres
Long ago remembered
Endlessly streaming
Between the stars.

There is always more
Hidden in the veil
Especially for the blind
And the living.

Only one side
Sees the face
But the other turns away
Hidden but to God
Dark and mysterious.

Half alive
And half dead
The forgotten conscience
Frozen in place. 

The eyes in the sky
See all
Every dirty deed
Done in the dark.

Some are ours
And some are theirs
But not all
Are what they seem
To you and me.

Watching every hand
And noting every drop
Burning like acid in our eyes
Or poison in our throat.

We can have our castle
But it’s hard to close the gate
Because the banker holds the key
And owns almost everyone.

Most do not question
And most react on cue
Victims of their own emotions
And preconceived views.

Just out of view
Everything awaits
Cloaked in the sun
The dark eclipse
Red as blood. 

Now we see
And now we don’t
Wanderers without a home
Endlessly pursued.

Let the bankers gnash their teeth
And let them bemoan
The world at their feet
Counting their silver
While we bleed in the street. 

Who owns you
And who owns me
The greedy men
Of the world
Selling their souls
To be as God. 

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