Friday, March 18, 2016

Double Diamond

 Double Diamond      3/18/2016

Like a diamond bullet
Shot through space
Bursting through
Asteroids of ice. 

Beautiful clear
The line of truth
Straight as razor.

Dead on
Eye level
And face to face
The coming reckoning
For everyone

They have lied
And lied every day
Feathering their nests
While we bleed
And die. 

They hate you
And they hate me
Along with everyone
We ever knew
And loved. 

They lie down with snakes
And they have opened up
The gates
Overrun with beasts
Hell bent on death. 

A deadly agenda
Driven by true believers
Theatrically played out
With phony wars
And false friends.

Taking our money
And laughing all the way
Guaranteed to win
The old fashioned way.

Come a little closer
And read between the lines
Because all of it is true
In a million different ways. 

The change has come
But it was planned all along
Incrementally pushed
Until it’s too late. 

Just like always
They think they will win
Shrugging their shoulders
After the deeds are done. 

To them it was nothing
That many were murdered
Dragged through the streets
Assaulted and raped.

Attacked for an obvious reason
That no man dares to relate
Giving away every reason
For our collective fate.   

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