Wednesday, March 16, 2016


The Eyewall      3/16/2016

There was a time
When I thought
I ruled the world
But those moments
Never lasted for long.

More often than not
I was broken
And humbled
Swallowing my words
The wrong way around.

It has been a long time
Since I learned it doesn’t pay 
But still I try
And force out a smile.

Life hurt me
And love well
It hurt me more
But slowly the pain fades
And becomes something else.

Raw emotions drive us
Enabling us to push through
Even the most staggering loss
As we pass through the hurricane
Of shock or grief. 

If we survive the storm
We must learn to carry on
Putting one foot in front of the other
Eating, sleeping, and breathing. 

In time we heal
But we can never forget
No matter how much we try
Or how far we run.

Hatred is a bottomless pit
A reptilian urge
Eating at our brain
With jealousy and pride.

To be truly great
Is to be humble
But even humility
Must preserve itself. 

Protecting your heart
And protecting your children
Is not a sin
But abandoning responsibility
Is the worst of all.

They didn’t pick us
But we are their protector
And woe to them
Who betray their safety
For a few dollars more. 

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