Friday, March 4, 2016


Daggers                          3/4/2016

To speak the truth
Will make you the hated
Because money flows like water
If you are willing
And do not care. 

All that I was told
Turned out to be a lie
Hoax after hoax
For five decades or more.

A one way slope
Down to the fall
Starting with a trickle
And now a flood.

Cheap emotional tricks
And full frontal attacks
While the hidden hand waits
Dagger in hand.

Many throats are slit
While safe in their beds
Awakened too late
And drowning in blood.

Lulled to sleep
With the same old story
That all men are good
And all gods equal.

They do it for power
And they do it for money
Amoral hypocrites
Empty and soulless.

Playing on our feelings
And cajoling us with lies
Anything to win
And anything to steal.

But no one
Will be more despised
Than he who acts to protect
Those they truly hate
And wish would die.

They wish us death
And it will come with time
If good men do nothing
Weak, mild, passive,
And dead.

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