Monday, March 21, 2016

Jewell Tone

Jewell Tone                                                                  3/21/2016

It was years before I found it
The secret path
Through the woods
Nearly invisible
In the deepest green.

Strewn with branches
And ran parallel to a babbling creek
The only sound you could hear
Except for a distant dog.

My kids found it first
And we carved
All our names
In the trees.

Beautiful, fresh
Sparkling and green
A hidden jewel
Perfect and pure.

We found an emerald that day
A treasure not made
By human hands
A miraculously faceted moment
Twinkling in the distance.

We strive for so many things
But when we get them
They are nothing at all
Dull and heavy
And hung on a wall.

Do not miss the beauty
Right here and right now
Always accessible
Unconditional and free.

Open to all
Who are brave enough to try
Embracing every gift
And undeserved.

See it now
And take it all in
The perfect treasure
All around you
And all around me. 

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