Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Worthy                                                 3/23/2016

I am the odd man out
Trapped by my own inertia
Wounded on the inside
And wasted on the out. 

Nothing is the same
And never will be again
As everything I see
Filters through
A damaged lens.

It’s okay if no one understands
Because how could they ever know
How it feels to have everything
And nothing in such a short
And tumultuous time. 

But if you do not, know it now
I can’t say
If it’s good, or if its bad
Because with distance
There are almost the same. 

It’s hard to remember the one
Without remembering the other
And experiencing that old familiar twinge
In the middle of the heart. 

I am good
But I am also bad
A strange mixture
Of foolish loyalty
And misplaced rebellion.

It’s all because I loved her
And it’s all because I lost
A long time ago
But fresh in my mind. 

If I knew why
I might stop it now
But for a reason I cannot know
I remember
And I die. 

I took a long time
To learn contentment
And it took a long time
To let it go.

I poured all of me out
In the those restless hours
Turning over and over
Inside of my mind. 

Wrestling with my conscience
And picking at the scabs
Until I would bleed
All over again. 

All that it was
And all that I wanted
Still remain
Inside of me. 

Still happening
In a closed loop
Orbiting in some other world
Just outside my perception. 

But God plucked me out
And God saved me for another
Training me to live
And training me to love. 

Even in losing
Love wins
And even in letting go
Love conquers.

I shall have it all
And so also shall you
In a time not of our choosing
All will be given
And all will be said. 

Search not forever
Because it is right here now
Perhaps not how we want it
But even better
With time. 

The wait is hard
God knows
I had to walk it out
But in the end
It will be worth it
For me
And for you. 

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