Saturday, March 5, 2016

Code Red

Code Red                       3/5/2016

All my life
Comes down to this
When all the world
Has dropped their masks
Dripping with hatred.

All the same
The left and the right
With a dagger in their hand
Straight through our hearts.

They mingle at parties
And they laugh at us all
That we ever believed they cared
And followed them at will.

Up and over
We paid all the way
Greasing the wheels with our money
For their favor and feed.

Begging for more
And lying every day
Doing their best
To shape us like clay.

They do not want
Us to think
Because they only want
Us to obey
Feeding the hands that hurt us
And steal every day.

The status quo is fatal
And that is, what they want
Protected in their mansions
Dead as the Romans.

They love the hordes
Because they can be bought
And they can be sold
Willing to be sacrificed
For a few dollars more.

But, for who we are
They have only contempt
A burning hatred long hidden
And only now
Obvious and apparent. 

Pick one or pick the other
Because it all ends the same
Skewed no matter our wishes
By a pseudo elite.

It is just, like was written
And it will all end all the same
As they commit unspeakable horror
Just to be like God. 

Listen for the sounds
Blaring like a trumpet
That he is on his way
Sooner than they think
The moment, the hour, the day.

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