Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Opposite Day

Opposite Day                      4/5/2016

Every day is opposite day
In a world turn upside down 
Unraveling and devolving 
Counter clockwise 
And down.  

If it feels strange 
Then you are not alone
You and me 
In a strange land.

If you have had the feeling 
Then you will understand 
What it feels like to try 
And sink under the waves.

Sometimes it feels like
You are not even here
When all your hopes, and dreams
Have all but disappeared.

Dying to the self
Is never easy at all 
As pride will always rise up
Over and over again. 

But, over time it hurts
Less and less
Until we become as nothing
Distant and subdued.

What we were 
Is all over now
Living only in memory
Alien and strange.

The learning was not easy
And it’s not over yet
As we live to be tested
And tested again.     

We cannot know 
What others must see
If they see at all
Self -absorbed
And blind.

We are the ghosts
Invisible and lost
Captives in a game
We can never win

Slugs crawling across broken glass
We survive against every odd 
Squirming up a drain pipe
Against a the gushing flood.   

Hanging by a thread
And holding on by a prayer
We have found each other
Intersecting by chance
In the deep wide open.  
We live 
Even if we die 
No matter how hard 
We will all rise together.

For I am not the only one
And neither also are you
Either stabbed by a gambler
Or robbed by a thief
We live by grace
Through the blackest of grief.

Do the opposite 
And live
Striking your mark
Against deceit.    

Diametrically opposed 
We must swim uphill 
Against many lies
The truth will prevail.  


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