Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Excavation 6/3/2014

If today had a feeling
What would it be?
And if tomorrow could tell us
What would we do?

Yesterday fades away
With all its joy and horror
As we forget
A little bit more
Every day.

The ancient past
Recedes into rock
Petrified, fossilized,
Unrecognizable and forgotten.

So far away
We think it doesn’t matter
When everything that it was
Is all around us. 

We look through a lens
A long time in the making
But we are blinded by our feelings
And immediate emotions. 

Overly attached to the useless
But forgetful of the treasure
The hidden messages
Written inside our DNA. 

We move like robots
And think like zombies
Drawn to the fire
Where we melt and die.   

Faces, names and acquaintances
They come and they go
But some will always return
Even after many years
And great distance. 

Is it chance?
Or is it destiny?
That has brought me down
And brought me here. 

Is it part of a plan?
Or just my own misery?
That drives me to collect,
Insult, and injury? 

Either way
It is what we make it
And it is Just as easy to smile
As it is to weep. 

Let us reach out
And connect ourselves
Once more, one to another
For nothing is certain
Except for love,
And God.   

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