Thursday, June 5, 2014

Knee Deep

Knee Deep 6/5/2014 

We worry about things
That never happen
But seldom do we see
The creeping horror.

Slithering up our pant leg
Or clinging to the ceiling
The face of death 
Foaming and flashing.   

What we take for granted
Routine joys and the peace of normalcy
Are hated by many
And coveted by most. 

They will never understand
That it’s not something you force
Or something you own
But to them
It’s just another option
To steal or destroy. 

Gifts are meant to be enjoyed
And some pleasures
Are experienced
As contented peace.

But this world is infected
And it is diseased
Shot through with evil
Lurking in a every corner.

Sometimes it hides
In the shadows
And sometimes it retreats
Into a cave.

But it is always there
At home in the dark
Where it plots
And multiplies.

There is no easy answer
And there is no way out
Not except for grace
And forgiveness.

But until we are free
We must also endure
With our hands in the mud
And dripping with sweat.

Evil shall spend its fury
In great spasms of violence
Taking everyone it can   
Knee deep in blood.  

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