Wednesday, June 11, 2014


                 Domicile 6/11/2014

    You can travel
    And you can wander
                But there is always more
                Than what you see
    And what you hear.   

                Sometimes it’s not about caring
                And sometimes it’s not about love
                But rather it’s something evil and insidious
                Crawling in,
    To cut your throat.

                We have left our houses
    And moved down the line
                Turning our heads the other way
                But what is coming is a tidal wave
                That no man, can ignore. 

                Bigger than what you think
                The colossal waves of terror
                Under the guise of humanity
                Many more will perish. 

                Many are distracted
                And many are fooled
                Convincing themselves
                That all will be well. 

                Ignorance, envy and hatred
                Will always simmer in the pot
                But what is coming, will boil over
                And fall into their lap. 

                It’s not like
                No one ever tried
                And it’s not like
                Nobody knows.    

                It’s not about compassion
                And it’s not about humanity
                But rather that old ugly head of hatred
                As the enemy of their enemy
                Becomes their very best friend.

                Money equals power
                And power equals rule
                The more the better
                Depending on how you feel.

                Numbers add up
                And the one thing leads to another
                As the higher self disappears
                In a sea of blood. 

                You can set your watch
                And you can stare at the ceiling
                Hoping against hope
                And striving every day. 

                But foolish men
                Will always flounder in corruption
                As they give away all decency  
                For nothing at all.  

                We cling to what is familiar
                And we favor what we know
                As foolish pride demands
                Loyalty over law. 

                The enemy is relentless
                But so also is good
                Enduring forever
                For the faithful
                And the true. 

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