Monday, June 16, 2014


Meantime  6/16/2014

Waiting is the hardest part
Because the days blur together
Morning, noon, and night
Endless as the day dreams
That lull us to sleep. 

We get tired
And we fear
All the countless tomorrows
Afraid that nothing will change
As we end our lives
Meaningless and dull.

But if it, was easy
We would be nothing
But Pavlov’s dog
Doing good for food
And nothing else. 

Belief would become worthless
And faith unnecessary
Were we to know
When and how.

I was just waiting
When they all got tired
Leaving me to hold the bag
With nowhere to go
And no one to help. 

The bag was empty
Just like everything else
But it’s a blessing to endure
When everything is gone. 

We learn by doing
And sometimes we learn
By suffering
As we endure the blows
One after another. 

It can be an honor  
To see it all
But only
If you remember the good
And can still love again. 

Nothing is over
Unless we decide
And anything is possible
If we keep on going.

Rise up
And keep your feet moving
One in front of the other
Straining for what is better
And higher. 

Resist what is wrong
Even when you are tired
And even when discouraged
Because the greatest victories
Are yet to come.  

We will savor this time
At the end of the age
When together at last
We know 
And understand.   

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