Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Wordless 6/17/2014

Sometimes words come easily
And other times
We feel empty and dumb
But it is then that I know
I need to listen
And think. 

All around me
And all around you
There is life, hope,
Tragedy and chaos. 

Life erupts
In the most inhospitable places
But life is also crushed
Behind castle walls.

We are jostled around
And tossed by conflicting obligations
As we immerse ourselves in doing
And getting. 

It is now, that I think
And it is now that I remember
The laughter of children
When I shut my eyes
And just listen.

I can feel the sun
Warm on my face
And I can hear the water
Splashing and frothing. 

The tragedy of the day
Can seem remote
As it tears someone's world apart
Thousands of miles away.

But it still hurts for someone
And it’s closer than you think
So we can always hold the brokenhearted

Because they are never hard to find.

People make mistakes
And sometimes they suffer
But woe unto to him
That cannot see
True and malignant evil. 

True evil,
Manipulates pain
And uses the poor
Like a shield
To lie, murder, and steal. 

Capitalizing on ignorance
To punish who they hate
Even if it kills their friends
And their brothers. 

To them life is nothing
And people are just tools
Like a rope or a cudgel
To cut, dump and drag. 

Today they run wild
And today they murder and laugh
But even they, live
On borrowed time. 

This is their world
And it is painful to watch
As they celebrate death
And snuff out the good. 

Their triumph seems inevitable
And that is what they think
But even though time is slow
The end is just. 

I listen to the children
In the middle of the afternoon
And we should all be thankful
For life and love. 

God is good
And he loved me
Even when I hurt
And even when I ran
Waiting for me
As I wait for him.  


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