Friday, June 13, 2014


Friday 6/13/2014

The less you must do
The less you want to do
But the more you stretch
The more you grow.  

It is more than a blessing
To climb up,
Out of guilt
And it is, a great treasure
To see the truth. 

Imagine the truth
When you see it
That none of this is new
And none of it, is true. 

Good is called evil
And evil is called good
While they trade light
for darkness
And humility, for pride.

It is easy to blame
And it is easy to hate
But the truth looms larger
Big enough, to swallow us all. 

We seldom look under
And we seldom look around
But you have to tip it over
To see the cold hard truth. 

Underneath and behind
The hands are always working
But who would need to hide
What is good
Or what is noble?

Everyone will die,
But not all, will live
Especially if we fear
What we cannot change.

Life goes on
And so does the soul
As we live forever
With who we were
And what we did.

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