Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Low Country Boil

Low Country Boil 6/24/2014

As inconspicuous as I could be
I sat in the meeting
Silent as a stone
Careful not show any emotion
Like resentment,  despair, or shame.

There are no accidents
And all the surprises are planned
Hatched in the hearts of evil men
To injure, diminish, and kill.

A death of thousand cuts,
Starts with just one
And we are already bloodied,bruised
Tired and overspent.  

But still we sit 
In the hot water
Hotter and hotter
And about to boil.

They say you can die of a broken heart
But still I keep on going
As one thing leads to another
Each one worse
Than the last. 

Just because someone says it
Does not make it true
And just because no one dares speak
Does not mean 
That we don't know. 

Something is in the air
Vile and acrid
The smell of a smoking gun
More than enough
For all to know.   

Stand up and look
Because all the signs are there
As everything leads back to something
Deep, dark, diabolical.

It is not man
That made the promise
So don’t be surprised
By lies or betrayal. 

But in all things remember
That to be the hated
Is an honor
Far higher 
Than anything 
They could give. 

Let it go on
Just like today 
Over and over 
Until the end.

Smile on that 
And let it sink in
Because it happened once before
And so it will again.  

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