Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Deluge 6/18/2014

Try and talk
To a horde of locusts
Insatiable and numberless
Coming like a cloud
To devour us all. 

You can plan anything
And there is nothing sacred
To evil men
Licking their lips
While we sleep. 

Most are not courageous
And many look the other way
As the few are overwhelmed
No matter how much they fight.

It will not matter to the children
If they blame us or not
As they become ever smaller
And under attack. 

Some will argue
And some will plead
But if it’s happened before
It can happen again. 

We live on islands
And we live on the sand
Just like a fool
Hiding in a house of straw.

We run away
And try and save our money
But in the end
It is all a worthless lie
Debased and devalued.

The rebels are stigmatized
And all the sell outs
Are rich
With so much to lose
And no guts at all. 

The ancients were warned
And many were lost
As they wandered
And forgot who they were.  

But none would survived
If not for intervention
Because the switch is on
For infanticide. 

Overcome and outnumbered
The stupid lead the good
Willfully dumb
And disenfranchised.

No more obvious today
Than it was yesterday
The cold burning hatred
Of evil.

You could see it then
If only they had looked
The look on their faces
And dead lifeless eyes.

We are not lambs
And we are not pawns
More than enough to fight
And more than enough to win. 

He who stands it now
Shall have it all and more
And he who gives all
Shall live forever. 

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