Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Melancholy 6/4/2014
Perhaps it makes no difference
And I should just curl up
And die
But even if it doesn’t matter
I still get up, and try. 

Dust settles on the moon
And my mind grows weary,
Heavy, and dull
With too many questions
And not enough answers.

But that is life
When the only thing
That gets noticed
Is what we missed
And what we forgot. 

Some are attacked
And others are excused
Promoted and praised
In a world gone insane.

I don’t know what it means
And I don’t know
How much, I should care
Because it is not what I think
That matters
But only what I learn. 

The details of life
Can be monotonous and boring
But deal with them, we must
In the here and now. 

Everyone who lives
Will be ashamed
And everyone who tries
Will fail. 

If I had never tried
Perhaps I would have won
But even though I lost
I still try again. 

My feet move
And I breathe in
And out
Still going through the motions
On the long way home.

No one knows
What its like
To be me
And I can only know
What I myself, have seen. 

If I could
I would scrub it all away
Letting warm water
Cleanse my body and soul. 

But no matter what I do
The stains remain
And I feel just as lowly
And just as dumb.

I have wondered
What is wrong with me
But I am no longer certain
If it matters or not. 

I go on
Even if
I wonder why
And I keep trying
Even if I lose. 

What is upside down
May stay that way
And what I have lost
I might not, get back.

But what is coming
Is more than a replacement
The same only better
A far greater treasure
Than anything I could ask. 

Knowing this
Brings me peace
The kind that endures
No matter what. 

Come on
Because there is 
So much left to do
Even if it takes forever
You still have me
And we will still have each other. 

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