Monday, June 9, 2014

The Lamplighter

The Lamplighter 6/9/2014

How many thoughts
Have crossed my mind?
This and that
Here and there. 

I skip from place to place
In endless day dreams
Back and forth through time
People, places and things. 

My feelings vacillate
Like a raft in a stormy sea
But always ankle deep.   

Temptations come
And there is warfare in my mind
A battlefield of emotions
That only prayer
And meditation can calm. 

But only the most evil of men
Would seek to control it
The will and spirit of others
Precious and inspiring

There is a darkness
That comes from forgetting
Like the shadow
Of the moon
Passing between the sun.

It is a place where the good suffer
And are sacrificed
By the power of evil men
To control and manipulate.

Fight against it
And dare to remember
What it meant to think freely
And express yourself
In vivid colors.  

Beware the darkness
Of subtle deception
And do not fall asleep
While thinking wide awake.

Evil never sleeps
And never lets a chance escape
But always twists the rope
Tighter and tighter. 

Fight the darkness
If not for yourself
Then for others
So that they be not a stranger
In their own house and home.  

The journey uphill awaits
No matter what deception arises
As we fling ourselves upwards
Against the grain. 

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