Friday, June 6, 2014

Dead Level

Dead Level  6/6/2014

You can hang me upside down
And let everyone see the damage
Because I am beaten
And I do not care.

Bloody, bruised and wounded
I can be a warning to others
At least those who can learn by seeing
What happens to the outliers
And what happens to fools. 

I have heard this all before
Must be a least a million times
But I chose to look a little deeper
And check under the rocks. 

If you find one thing
You can bet there is another
But people who lie a lot
Can’t be trusted at all. 

The bugs have crawled out
And now they are everywhere
Swarming in the shadows
After the lights are turned off. 

We have ignored them
And we have moved down the line
Thinking we are safe
Behind gates and towers.

But deceit is everywhere
And treachery is soon to follow
Lingering in the heart of darkness
Inside of every man.  

The strings all lead to something
If you have the courage to look
Tracing the lines backwards
To the same old source. 

It’s okay to make mistakes
And it’s okay to be wrong
As long  as you learn
And as long as you act.   

The dumb days are gone
And the hard stuff awaits
As circumstances make demands
That we must meet.

It’s time to decide
Who it is we are
Standing upright
Eyes dead level.    

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