Thursday, June 19, 2014


Backtrack 6/19/2014

My brain transduces thoughts
Based on random stimuli
But what we see
Is not always
What we think. 

If we did not see it
Did it even happen
And what we do see
May not even be true.

So what is man to know
Except for what the past teaches
And history is nothing
But a long restless migration
Of people, places, and death.

I could not have known
What it was that I asked
But the gift is given
Unrequested and undeserved.

The spark comes down
In a whirlwind of inspiration
On the wings of a white bird
Gliding in the heavens.

It is not something I can measure
And it is not something
We can reproduce
But just think about the horror
If men were gods.

We reason and we think
But we are controlling and cruel
As we scheme and jostle
To command and control. 

I would rather take my heart
And wrench it in half 
Than submit to a group
Of self-aggrandizing fools. 

Look, learn, and listen
And take heed of what you see
Because the powerful will often seek
The mindless to enslave. 

A beast rolls down the track
Heavily laden with death
Like a virus on the move
Or poison on a dagger.

Many people
And many reasons
As we each try to escape
Murder and misery.

Even altruism can be a weapon
If abused with evil intentions
As we reel from one crises to another
And unwilling to say no. 

Move if you must 
Or stay if you will 
But remain resolute 
To the higher 
And the truth.  

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