Monday, June 23, 2014


Transducer 6/23/2014

Let it flow in
And let it pour out
The fire and the feeling
Like an iron thunderbolt.

Coming like a whirlwind
That breaks through the clouds
A strange and beautiful sight
Alien and unexpected. 

Let others try and explain
What cannot be explained
The priceless inspiration
That they can only imagine. 

It is no secret
That the gift is given
But only those who ask
Can ever hope to receive. 

I have knocked on the door
In the morning
And the evening
Yes, even in the silent hours
I have asked. 

All of us might be lost
If it were not for love
The eternal gift
Before we were born. 

Let these words enable
What has always been there
A mean to ignite
The grace and discovery. 

All things can be found
If only we understood
How to surrender our heart
And let God work. 

Once you know
The whole world opens up
And we can start to become
What we were always meant to be. 

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