Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Long Ago Yesterday

 Long Ago Yesterday 6/10/2014

You might not remember
But I remember when I told you
That day, many years ago
When I promised
I would be the last man standing.

So much has changed
And deep down
I never felt worthy
Even though I tried
With all of my heart.

I didn’t know then
What I have learned since
That there is a flip side to everything
And that even pain
Can help you grow. 

It hurt
And it still does
Like a small pin prick
In the side of my chest
Spreading outwards like a bruise. 

I don’t belong here
And I never did
But that doesn’t mean
That I give up
And that doesn’t mean
That I don’t care. 

I am so far from perfect
And I have made many mistakes
But where I go from here
Is a choice
That I will make. 

Nothing is easy
And nothing is free
Except for what we give
And never expect to receive. 

If I don’t make it
You will know, that I tried
And I will still be
The last man standing
After all of this, is dead.

I tried to keep my promise
Please know, that I did
Even on the days
That I was tired
And even on the days
That I was dumb. 

And I will keep on praying
In the silent hours
As I watch the world blur
On my way, to somewhere else. 

For you, and for them
And all the others
That I have remembered
And will remember
Along the way. 

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