Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Spiked  6/25/2014

How long we wait
Depends on the promise
And the person
But even then we all get tired
And become disappointed.

It’s good to follow your heart
But it’s also good to pay attention 
Because sometimes the innocent are used
By the vile and the duplicitous. 

The hands reach down
Farther and farther each day
Never missing a chance
To reward childish vanity
And unabashed hatred.

I see it every day
The false power
Of position and preferment
And all of it becomes
Top heavy and lethargic.

Existing on the backs of the good
Until the weight becomes too great
And it snaps the camel’s back
Just like it always has. 

All of it is a knife
Pointed at our backs
Raised out of view
And ready to attack. 

How can I be surprised
When I feel  the piercing pain?
And turn around to see
The lifeless eyes of murder.

We are nothing but tools
Expendable and worthless
Because even in death
We are forgotten
On purpose.

Anyone could see the pattern
Staring us in the face
That everything has a plan
To penalize someone
For something. 

Pure hatred will not
Differentiate between
Guilt or innocence
But merely lashes out
Out of envy and pride.

That is the truth
Cold hard and deadly
Slicing through your lungs
And piercing your heart. 

But isn’t that man
Always angry
Unwilling to ask
And see the truth. 

Forcing the outcome
Even if it’s wrong
Because it takes true strength
To understand
And learn. 

Without the truth
And without discomfort
We will never grow
And there we will  remain
Infantile and stunted.

Deep in your heart
You know
Now go ahead
And turn around. 

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