Thursday, June 12, 2014


 Resurgens 6/12/2014

There is a hole in my life
A horrible gaping void
That cannot be filled
Cut out and thrown away
In the middle of the day.   

A massive defect of the heart
That I will never overcome
An aching wound
Invisible and debilitating.

But I don’t know
If it is bad
Or if its good
As I limp along
Half dead
And half alive. 

If this is, all there is
Then life is pointless
And love is a lie
Nothing but our imagination
Or a random hallucination
Of a dying brain.   

An imprinted instinct
To breed and multiply
In an endless cycle of pointless mutation
All destined to die.  

Just waiting for extinction 
To become fuel
Or fertilizer 
Crumbling into dust
And burned into a vapor.

I can only be
What I am
But I can always ask for more
And see what happens.

But would it be better
To be one of the few
Ensconced in their castles
Behind thick walls. 

Trusted to serve
But only serving themselves
Ignoring the truth
Because they are safe.

It is hard to say
What is better
To know or not to know
And go blissfully to the end.

But for better
Or for worse
Here I am
And so also are you.

We are the sacrificial people
For bargaining and profit
Only useful under control
Sold out and given away.

To be used and manipulated
From the cradle to the grave
Worthless consumers
Whom no one will defend
Or save.

Disenfranchised at will
And persecuted at every turn
Blamed for everything
And given nothing.  

One dimensional
Paper dolls
To be sacrifice on the altar
Bled out and burned
To appease the little gods
Of greed and avarice.         

But only the strong
Can endure
And remain good
Unfazed by cruelty
And strengthened by God.    

He who loves
Will have more than vengeance
And he who endures
Will live forever. 

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