Friday, May 30, 2014


Star flake 5/30/2014

Today I am impatient
Because nothing ever changes
As I remain surrounded
By the predictable
And the simple. 

It is amazing how they posture
And ridiculous how they fight
Throwing out everything they got
For a chance at a title
Or a few dollars more.

Is that what, this is all about?
Empty victories
And false statuses
As we make up titles
That are not needed at all. 

Nothing real has changed
And what is of value remains
Whether its recognized or not
But that is how it works
And that is how it feels.

God it hurt
And I cried out in pain
Moaning at the loss
Cutting me in half.

Doubling me over
And cutting off my air
As my throat tightened
And swelled shut. 

If words could have healed me
Then I would have said them
And if a sacrifice had been enough
I would have cut off my arm. 

But nothing I could have done
Could have changed what happened
At least not with what I knew then
Versus what I know now.  

Perhaps I should feel like a loser
Worthless and lowly
As others constantly remind me
That they have won
And I have lost. 

But still I wonder
What kind of man
Would do that?
But we already have the answer
Even if
We dare not speak.

Well if they wanted to hurt
Then I can agree
Because I am wounded
And I am lowly. 

Wounds can heal
And humility is good
Far better than arrogance
And false pride. 

I wish I had an answer
And I wish that I could help
But some things are just too great
For anyone to change.

There is a defect
And there is a problem
Something wrong in the soul
Damaged and incomplete.

They can think, I am trash
And they can think, I am worthless
Just another nuisance
To be dismissed
And chased away. 

But that is the lesson
And that is the journey
As I learn to grow accustomed
With adversity and sacrifice.

There is no way out
But only through
As we either learn
Or suffer forever.

It’s not easy
And there are still days  
That I hang my head
And wish
No one could see me.

But even those moments
Have a purpose
If you flip them over
And see the other side.

Yes I am different
And so also are you
But always remember
That the pain is a sign
And the longing a clue.

Then and only then
We can understand
That we are all like star flakes
Floating through space.

Each one a unique design
Created on purpose
For bouncing off each other
And falling into place. 

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