Friday, June 20, 2014


Wildflower 6/20/2014
Put horns on my head
Like a king
Or a cuckhold
And lead me around
On my way to the feast.

Dumb as ever
And about to be slaughtered
All for nothing
But blood and mead. 

This is life
And all that comes with it
Nothing but a damaged  limb
That we cannot grow back. 

Anyone can be a fool
And everyone makes mistakes
But it’s what we do next
That makes all the difference. 

If a man cannot keep
What he has earned
Then so much the less
Will a thief keep
What he has stolen.    

No, they will not
Keep their treasure
For to them
It is a razor in the throat
And poison in the veins

Do we just float along
Resting on good intentions
Or do we follow it through
And get rid of the wrong.  

We can live our lives
And always follow orders
And we will reap, what we deserve
Nothing but a dog dish
And a golden leash.

Or we can reach out
Boldly into the nothingness
Unafraid like a meteor
Streaking across the sky. 

We can sit still
And let the ants eat
Or we can
Fight the impossible odds
Win or lose
Truly alive. 

Those who live
Will also die
Every day a little more
Until we are done.

But only a few ever experience
The peace that passes all understanding
Even in hardship
And unending persecution. 

Some are singled out
And some will always
Suffer more
So what are we to do
But enjoy what we can
Whatever it may be.

Make the leap
And look backwards
Across the gulf
Happy and free

What is owed
Will be paid
And what was lost
Will be returned
Perfect, pure
And better than ever. 

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