Thursday, March 31, 2016


Rear view                            3/31/2016

If I had only seen it coming
I could have stopped it cold
And everything would be different
Aged, weathered, and old.

We want what we cannot have
And we long for what we lost
Drawn by an insatiable appetite
Back to the flame
Again and again. 

Unwitting victims of a mysterious alchemy
We are slaves to our emotions
Seldom content
And never satisfied.

Blindly lurching forward
But always glancing backwards
Dumbfounded by what we missed
The first time around.  

Some will get a second chance
But some never will
A mystery and a riddle
That no one can solve.

God gave me life
And God gave me love
But who he loves
He must teach
One way
Or another.

He woke me up
And he plucked me out
Safe inside the womb
Warm and wet.

Immersing me in an icy river
He braced me against the world
Learning the hard way
over and over again. 

Tested, and tested again
Each time that I failed
God has not given up
And I had better not either. 

In my prayers I run
And I climb up into his arms
Help me, hold me
And keep me warm
Like a baby calls his father
To love and to protect.

I could never deserve it
All of this that I know
A small but priceless treasure
I dug up in the yard.

I call out in my mind
And pray that my friends are healed
The lost remembered
And the foolish saved.

Save them
As you saved me
Turning on the light
We never knew we had. 

Almost imperceptible
And nearly forgotten
The truth inside our heart
Dormant and cold.   

Send the spark to them also
The one that you gave to me
So that they also shall know
And seek to understand. 

Bringing us all home together
Where we will yet
Laugh and share
The distant past
Becoming nothing
In a future
That is everything. 


Dark Deep

Dark Deep                                        3/31/2016

It is a bitter root to chew
To see how far you have fallen
Diminished, reduced,
Humiliated and ashamed.

I think and I imagine
How it could have been different
If I had really had a chance
And if I had never lost.

Would I know more?
Or would I know less?
Protected, safe
Indulged and asleep.

I did not know to fear
So I did not see it coming
The horrible creeping death
Squirming in the shadows.

Befriending me
And sizing me up
Analyzing for weakness
And tracking my every move. 

Lying, trying, and cajoling
While I walked in my sleep
Moving his eyes side to side
Just to see
What I would do. 

Slipping out the knife
And going in for the kill
At just the right moment
When she got tired
And resentful.

Once I felt the sting
It was already too late
Fatally wounded
And gasping for air. 

But it was not enough
To take what I had
Because evil is never content
With what it steals.

Willing to do anything
To crush and to win
Always seeking to prove
Their lie was true.

Disgusting, low
Repulsive and vile
The liars win
Any way they can.    

Selling out their friends
And betraying the innocent
Long gone by the time
The victims
Learn and know. 

Fake images
And empty words
Meaningless without action
And empty without truth. 

The empty men
Are all around
One dimensional profiles
Packaged and sold. 

But deep down
They are far more than that
Thinly disguised wolves
Drooling at our neck. 

For money and power
They seek control
And by dumbing us down
They will never be exposed. 

We are the disenfranchised
Sold out for money
Betrayed, diluted
And circling the drain. 

They have killed many  
And ground them in the dirt
So full of themselves
They think
They are gods.

Saving their worst
For any who would dare
Shine a light on their duplicity
For everyone to see. 

Now it is here
The few against the many
Awaken lest you sleep
Buried forever
In the great dark deep. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Paper Dolls

Paper Dolls                           3/30/2016

Some want
To cut you in
But most
Will cut you out. 

Thrusting deep
In your back
And staring
As you die. 

Sudden, vicious
Violent and deadly
The rage of hatred
Long taught
And held.

Not the kind of feeling
That I had as a child
When violence
And degradation
Were so far away.

Immune to reason
And sentiment
Cold as ice
And burning in your gut.

Unmoved by kindness
Is the snarling beast
Crazed with fury
And the taste of blood.

We go on
As if nothing happened
Perfectly conditioned
To accept and deny.

Hitting the snooze
Like we just did before
Unable to recognize
Death at the door. 

It is here
Well paid
And over fed
Raping city after city
Empty, vacant and dead.

But none of this is new
And it’s been
A long time coming
Building on the colonies
Long ago established. 

Scrambling over the wall
And roaming in the streets
The bands of marauding demons
Predictable as hell.  

Hear the wailing
And hear the siren call
The innocent blown to pieces
Mopped up and forgotten
For no reason at all.

Hanging over our heads
The heavy new normal
The moment they always wanted
Full, ripe, and deadly.

It is the saddest thing
To watch it all unravel
Designed by evil men
And greased
With piles of money. 

The signs are all here
If you can look up and see
Every warning made
And hanging in the sky.

Shake yourself
And shake others
Awake and aware
If you want to endure
And if you want to survive. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Three and a half

Three and a half                  3/29/2016

Tis a strange gray feeling
The emptiness of mid morning
Forcing ourselves to care
About nothing at all. 

Engines drone on endlessly
And the coffee pot spits
Bitter in my cup
Another day at the office
On our way to nowhere.

Nothing changes except the faces
As we cyclically arrive
At the same conclusions
The only thing allowed
In a bureaucratic nightmare.

There is no opportunity
Because everything is predetermined
The outcome driving the means
As we push and pull
To make it fit. 

The lie must go on
Too big to fail
And too huge to ignore
A gigantic white elephant
Crushing us all. 

Torturing our selves
And each other
Layering on
The weight
Without taking
Any off.

Each for himself
We create imaginary kingdoms
Achieving nothing
But burdensome

We teeter on the end
Without looking out the window
All consumed by the nothingness
We ourselves created. 

Drooling over the next promotion
We plan our next meeting
Herding ourselves and each other
Through an obstacle course
Just to prove
That we exist.

The truth is not vulgar
And protecting you family
Is not a crime
No matter how often
They twist it
Into a mortal sin.

All the masks have fallen
And now we see
The ugly truth
Doubled down and contorted
Bigger than ever. 

But now the rocks are overturned
And the sunlight illuminates
Every darkened corner
Duplicity exposed
Unmasked and desperate.

Set up
And savaged
The good bloodied
And mocked. 

Three and a half days
Three and a half days
That is all that they can have
As we see them all dance
And flash their teeth.

Doomed from day one
They act out their rage
Exposed with the money 
Treacherous and dead.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Fast Forward

 Fast Forward                   3/28/2016

Time flies
And collapses downward
Forced inward
In a vortex
And pushed out a pinhole.

We live
And we die
But we are much more
Than what we see
And touch.

Tell the truth
And the world will hate you
But stand behind it
And they will plot
To kill you.

Burning with hatred
For all they will never be
Bought and sold
Ten times over.

What a beautiful thing it is
To live in the open
Unafraid and honest
Warts and all.

But the cowards will hide
And cover up their hatred
Sealing every record
And hiding their views.

Pure poison
Dripped into a glass
Putting us to sleep

Sometimes we try
And sometimes we lose
But even the worst of failures
Is better than inaction
And tacit approval.

We circle the drain
And spin inside ourselves
Ever downward
Faster and faster.

The kingdom
Has never been closer
Than at this dark hour
Because the greatest of victories
Always follow treacherous evil.

Death is dead
And the past
Has fallen away
The shame shattered
And all washed away.

It is finished
And it is over
The victory already won
For once and for all.

Let them rage
Before the glory
As they make their final plans
Futile, wasted
Dumb and dead.