Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ghost Tour

Ghost Tour 10/01/2014

Seven hours
And twenty seven pages
Of tuxedo jackets
Random thoughts and searches
On the highway to home.

Numberless trees pass by the car
Whizzing by in a blur
As I sit and doze
Suspended in time
Between a thousand different worlds.

Other car trips
Come to mind
In the day, and in the night
Each one different
But also the same. 

The points connect in my life
As they do in others
As we intersect at the corners
And travel together
At a precise point in time.   

It is impossible to know
Why it is you
Or why it is me
Because the future is not a promise
And the past is no excuse.

In the bewitching hours
We shall meet in the middle
In the perfect world of dreams
When our spirits are free 
To do what they will.  

Now some of us know
Because I have been there to
As we travel like ghosts 
Through a pin point of light. 

I cannot explain it
And I guess, that must be enough
That we live and are aware
Of more than we see.

Some people have roots
That seek the depths 
But others stay on the surface
Uprooted by the winds
Of whimsy and emotion. 

I remain and I notice
All the small things
That I missed
As I live a second life 
Much richer, than the first.  

What seemed so real
Turned out to be nothing
And what seemed like nothing
Has become everything. 

No one knows
All that is possible
But even a fool should know
The truth in his soul. 

Synchronicity is different than chance
And even what is random
Reveals itself in time
As we play our parts in the struggle
Between what is good and evil.

Looking backwards we see
Guilt, innocence,
Foolishness, and folly
As we grow, and learn
To treasure, what is real. 

We have sought the outward
And ignored the inner
Trading life for death
And gold for dust. 
But as the wheels turn
We either stay together
Or fall apart
Giving in
Or growing up.    

Maybe they will join us
Or maybe they won't 
But here we are 
Still standing 
And more than enough.   

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