Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Gold Syringe

Gold Syringe 10/8/2014

If they knew me now
How much difference would it make?
But isn’t that life
That by the time we understand
It’s always too late. 

The path of least resistance
Will get you every time
As we give up and we give in
To those without a conscience
Infantile and loud. 

Ambitious, jealous, greedy, and insecure
There are many
Who will cut your throat
Sneaking up behind
And never from the front. 

Some will bring you gifts
And make grandiose promises
For all the wrong reasons
Just to get what they want. 

How great a loss
Can anyone suffer
And yet still remain standing?
And how close to death
Can you get
And still rise again?

There is more invisible
Then there is visible
And almost nothing is impossible
Right here
And right now. 

The best exists
Even with the worst
And heroic sacrifice
Can still overcome
Every treachery. 

But in this world
There will always be
Obstacles, and tedium
Punctuated with joy,
And inexplicable tragedy

There is a perversity
In self-flagellation
As we make up for imaginary guilt
That we never had. 

We kill ourselves every day
For no reason at all
While consigning our descendants
To servitude and disenfranchisement.

Manipulated and dumb
We cannot see the irony
As we rationalize the unthinkable
And tie ourselves in knots.  

The chamber is closed
And the curtains are drawn 
As another day passes
Bloody and dark.  

Some will wake up 
And some will sleep forever
Between the two 
Is the now 
Still waiting for an answer.


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