Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Turbulence 10/22/2014

Close your eyes and be still
Long enough
To notice, think, and feel
And then you can hear the echoes
Of other lives, yet unfulfilled.

Moaning over loss
And staggering cruelty
Unwritten and unremembered
A thousand years or more. 

There are always other things
Than what we wish were true
As the dirt in our eyes
Stings even more
When we wash it out. 

What we have seen, is nothing
Compared to what is coming
And whoa to them
That refuse to accept 
Obvious truth.  

Today we live through
The same day again
Just like yesterday
And the day before.

But the outcome
Remains changeable
Depending on what we do
And how we react.

We can weave through it
Unencumbered and easy
Swimming in the mainstream
Unimpeded by obstacles
Or Turbulence.

Or we can go uphill
Against the current
Wrestling with reality
And all that it entails.   

It is a hard thing
To keep on trying
Flinging ourselves upwards
Bloodied, bruised, and exhausted.

But try we must
Lest we float with the deadwood
And smash
Against the rocks. 

What is easy, is a trap
And what is acceptable, a snare
As we pour ourselves out
For nothing at all. 

Now is the time
To try something different
To turn the tables upside down 
To see the other side.    

When we open our eyes
The game is reset
And we live on, until it changes
Either for good
Or for bad. 

We could go down
Or we could go up
But he who discerns the truth
Resolute and unashamed
Shall live forever.  

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