Thursday, October 16, 2014

Black Mass

Black Mass    10/16/2014

If it was you
Then it was me
Close enough to touch
In a world
We cannot see.

Life and death
Are always present
One a gift
And the other a curse.

Beautiful but brief
We laugh and we love
Learning how to crawl,
Walk and run.

We experience the sting
But we get up anyway
Still trying
Even when it hurts.

Ignorance breeds
And spreads exponentially
But wisdom is like a pearl
Rare and priceless.

We dive and search
And hold up our treasure
Only to have it snatched
And crushed on the ground. 

There is no explanation
And there is precious little reward
As we bounce off one obstacle
And smack into another.

We are hauled up a pyramid
And then our hearts are cut out
Just another nuisance 
To be sacrificed
And cleansed.   
Death lingers and flits about
In a black wisp of smoke
Darting in and out of shadows
Thin, ghostly, and deadly.

But even though we are afraid
We keep going
Flinging ourselves upwards
Again and again. 

A good man does what he must
And loves his family with all his heart
Making every sacrifice
To protect and promote.

But some men love death
And long to spend themselves
Imagining all kinds of horror
Upon the innocent and Godly. 

They are what they are
And they shall have their reward
From hell
Roasted, boiled, and dead. 

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