Thursday, October 30, 2014


Creeper 10/30/2014

Must be a million ways
To die without knowing
As destruction is always easier
Than living
And breathing. 

I could hold my breath
Until I float away
Locked in a trunk
Underneath the ocean.

Or I could curl up in bed
And pull up a black blanket
Burrowed under
Pills and booze.

But the journey upright
Calls me backwards
As I sit up
And try all over again.  

The sun still shines
Even when I am angry
And children still smile
Even when I am sad. 

And even strangers can be kind
Kinder than we are to each other
As we argue with family
Over nothing at all. 

We go on
Until there is no more
As we are spared from knowing
And remembering the end.

But the afterlife
Is not all that there is
As we witness
Each new day. 

A whole new world
Is always within reach
If only we knew
What to grasp. 

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