Friday, October 3, 2014

Vapor and Fog

Vapor and Fog    10/3/2014

The winds come
And on them
Ride death
And disease.  

Like a fog
That infects the lungs
Or a rotten corpse
Washed up
On the beach.

Sickly, sweet
And full of bugs
With pieces and parts
Too small to see. 

In the world
We are a remnant
A long forgotten band
Wandered far from home
And dying. 

Our dreams diminished
And our future in doubt
As each and every minute
More die
Than are born. 

My wings are torn
And I am bloodied and bruised
Punished for every mistake
And hounded every day. 

But I can still fly
And I can still soar
Climbing up
And swooping down. 

Just above the trees
Twisting and looping
From side to side
And up and down.

The streets are the same
But now they are unfamiliar
Fallen into ruin
And waste.

We had more than we knew
But we forgot it anyway
Discarded like a piece of trash
Unremembered and unhonored.

It only hurts
When you remember
But who has time to remember
When every day becomes a struggle
Just to believe.

The damage is done
And every single activity
Is debased and devalued
One by one
An inch by inch. 

The details are lost
And become increasingly coarse
Watered down
And crude. 

You could see it coming
From a million miles away
But yet, we rush along
With our heads down
And eyes shut.  

The weak are violent
But the strong are lambs
Slaughtered like chickens
Broken and crushed.

They all want to kill
Something good
And something beautiful
So that is what they do
Every hour and every day.

Life is beautiful
And it is also simple
Just like I protect my children
Anyway I can. 

If you love, you protect
But if you hate, you expose
Just a simple as it ever was
And just as obvious
As the sun. 

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