Friday, October 10, 2014


Frenzy 10/10/2014

Strike in the day
And fly by the night
Hiding under ground
With a mask on their face. 

The bloody after math
Is nothing new
As the weights are added
Until everything falls apart
In a frenzied horror. 

No one can admit
That the ship is sinking
So they tie themselves up
Like pretzels
Stumbling in a Byzantine maze.

Moral relativism
And situational ethics
Play many as fools
While the ropes fray
And the foundation burns.

The games go on
As if nothing is wrong
As we follow our noses
To the gallows
Or kneel at a ditch. 

The dirt is shoveled
And the histories are scrubbed
But that cannot change the truth
Rotting in the grave.

Just because we say it
Doesn’t make it true
As reality screams in the distance
Even if,
We will not hear.     

Judging me and judging you
Many are those
Consumed by pride
Educated, but not intelligent
Willfully blinded, and dumb. 

It took a long time
For me to awaken
But I am not the only one
Awake in the night. 

Staring up at the ceiling
And thinking about thinking
Ruthlessly evaluating
All that I have done
And all that, I should do.

The world sleeps
And watches popular programing
Carefully crafted shadows
To obscure, and delude.

Mesmerized and manipulated
To believe the indefensible
As we all race to the bottom
Of oblivion. 

Let them race ahead
And lean into it
Taking what is theirs
And eaten by the dogs.

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