Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Tribute 10/29/2014

We drank in the cemetery
And sweat in the sun
So we took refuge under a hardwood
And sat on the roots.

Of all the parties
This was the blackest
Chatting quietly
As if they could hear.

I walked around the tombstones
And calculated the dates
Mostly sons and daughters
Taken before their time.

It was a melancholy feeling
To know and to breathe
Enjoying a life underserved
And half understood. 

I guess its okay
If these words are insufficient
Because in the end
All we can do
Is our best at the time. 

I am searching for something
And I can only find
What is ahead
Or behind.

We live out our circumstances
And hopefully we stretch them out
Become something more
From the inside out. 

I stand on the shoulders of others
Far larger than me
And thus I am able to see farther
Than I ever could on my own. 

There may not be a laurel wreath
And there may not be a thanks
But gifts are just gifts
Be they large or small. 

This is what I have
Right here and right now
Let it be more
Than I think
And better than I deserve.

Either for me
Or for a stranger
We live out
What we have
So let it be more
And not less.

The drunks leave the party
And the dead rest in peace
All together we remain
Forever in words.

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