Friday, September 26, 2014

One fall afternoon

Blue Crinkle 9/26/2014

Crinkled blue foil
Streaming through the air
On a cool gray afternoon
Racing down the road. 

Snowflakes blowing sideways
Through the halo of a streetlight
Through my father’s office window
Thirty years ago. 

The bottom dropping out beneath us
As my car drives off an embankment
Falling in slow motion
On a hot Georgia night.

Disjointed thoughts flash in my brain
For purposes unknown
And unexamined
But is it better to write it down
Or better to forget? 

Time collapses to a pin point
And that is all it is
As I sleep in my skin
And walk in my dreams. 

The world teeters and wobbles
Into madness
And yet everything falls into place
In a mysterious synchronicity
All known in advance.

They can call it what they will
And they can ignore it if they want
But what is true is still true
And what is wrong
Is still wrong. 

Dream for me
That everything is connected
And that all these limitations
Will all disappear.

We will make the world over
In perfect colors
That no one has seen
And feast with each other
With nothing to lose
And everything to gain. 

Afterwards we laugh
Because we should have known, all along
But what is real
Will still be beautiful
Just as when
We first believed.

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