Monday, October 6, 2014

Under Glass

Under Glass    10/6/2014

She gave me a sideways smile
And purred like a cat
But her mouth was full of razors
Cutting me into a thousand pieces
Dumb and dead on the floor. 

Bewitched, befuddled
Indulged and fattened
Roasted, carved
And served under glass. 

It might be punishment
Or it might be a curse
That nothing is easy
And nothing is free.

But what I had
I always lost
And what I treasured
Melted in my hands. 

We are destined to strive
And heave against the sun
With beads of sweat
Stinging in our eyes.    

There is so much
That we don’t know
And what I feared the most  
Never happened at all.  

Rather it happened
When I felt safe
At home in my bed  
Covered up and sleeping. 

Pulled out from the covers
And plunged headfirst into nothing
I sank straight downward
And Into the black. 

But once you fall
And survive
It becomes as nothing
Just another day
And just another blow.

Fear is nothing
But another day dream
A perspective from our imagination
Of little consequence at all. 

The future is forever
And we still have it all
Just like we wanted
As we collect on a lifetime
Of choices and pain.

A glamorous punk
Bohemian cabaret
Now as then
We throw our heads back
And laugh.   

Love anyway
Even with nothing
Because it is then
That we are the most pure
And beautiful.

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