Thursday, October 2, 2014

Room 101

Room 101  10/02/2014

Spheres and Cylinders
Bells and Serum
No one will see
And get out alive. 

If you listen
You might here the screams
Coming from the street
And shrieking in the night.

Some will turn off their lights
And others will muffle their ears
Each hoping that someone else
Will do what must be done.

We turn our heads
And we look away
From all that is uncomfortable
Or risky.

Unemployment, loss
Exile and ostracism
The things that can happen
To those who speak
Keeping us compliant
And keeping us quiet. 

But what of the others
Bloodied on the street
Savaged and dead
Because of cowardice
And indifference. 

We sit in place
Uncomfortable and dumb
As the temperature rises
All around
And everywhere.

Even the dumb
Can be good
And even the insane
Can sometimes be wise.

But evil men
Make no mistakes
And even what appears random
Is carefully planned.

Action or omission
It matters not to them
As silence is the voice of complicity
Over and over again. 

But the courageous uncover the truth
Looking under and behind
To determine
What can be found.

I sit and I listen
 To all of those around
Spinning their wheels
Over nothing at all. 

Wasting their time
And wasting their breath
All over the dumb
And all over the dead.

The truth hurts
It has hurt me
And it may hurt you
But that is only way
Anything ever gets better.

Some may lose
And a some may lose it all
But there will always be more to gain
For the willing
And the courageous. 

We have been waiting
But there is not time to lose
As we all sit and ponder
The dawning horror.

Blow the trumpet
Loud for everyone to hear
That this day
You have had enough
And the answer is no.  

Welcome to the room
Where we all wait to die
Alone with our nightmares
True at first sight. 


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