Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Spherical  10/21/2014

We swallow our days
Without taste
And we search for answers
Without vision. 

Nothing but a spinning cylinder
Inside a ball
Living on friction
And wasted energy.

The needle swings
From side to side
At first a little
And then a lot.

Tension builds up
For the longest time
Only to explode outward
In a sea of blood.

It was all built to fail
As all bubbles
Are destined to burst
Exploding in the void
And dropping us
In the drink. 

The levees fail
And the dam crumbles
Releasing the deep
To wash us away. 

Unrecognizable is the street
And unremembered is the past
As it is all covered over
In foot of mud. 

Mold grows
And wood rots
As pestilence spreads
In a thousand directions. 

But this is no surprise
As it has happened before
Long since covered up
And denied
Again and again. 

Listen to the hoof beats
And feel the heat
Coming through the door
As the fire burns
Out of control. 

The pin is pulled
And everything falls down
As men become as beasts
In a spasm of chaos.    

The stars spin in space
And the night sky
Swirls with ghosts
As we turn over
And open our eyes. 

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