Thursday, October 9, 2014

Death Mask

Death Mask 10/9/2014

Upside down and sideways
We sink to the bottom
As we slowly fill with water
From ten thousand holes.

Some things come up
And catch you by surprise
But other things,
Have been a long time coming.

Words are not enough
But, that is nothing new
Because often, all we need
Is just someone who will listen,
And say they understand.

We love to complicate the world
And God knows, we love to rationalize
Even the most twisted logic
Just to fit in
And support our world view. 

Others sit in judgment
And think, we are a waste
Just useless eaters,
Or cannon fodder.

They see the world as a game
And how they love, to plot and plan
Amassing power and wealth
On the backs of the ignorant
And easily swayed.

But there are always other things
That happen in the end
As events spiral on their own
And build to a culmination
That cannot be controlled. 

Unintended consequences
Can be either good or bad
But the decision, is out of our hands
And that makes all the difference. 

The world appears as fluid
Thick, deep and viscose
Clear as mud
Unpredictable and mystifying.

We can either run away
And hide under our bed,
Or we can face the test
And let God,
Determine the outcome.    

But those who want to be God
Hate him
Setting themselves up as kings
To control every decision
And every outcome.   

Behold the golden calf
And see how we dance and cavort
Dumb as dirt
On our way to the ditch.  

Remember dear friend
Even when you sink
That others have also suffered
And that others, have also died. 

Nothing is inevitable
And nothing is certain
Not for those who stand
And believe to the end. 

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